University working through budget process

July 8th, 2009

Like many of you, I walked to work earlier this week under the cool of Oregon’s overcast skies. On the sidewalks, students hustled to class and employees to work.

Taking in the circa-8 a.m. scene reminded me of last week and my first day on the job, which began before 6 a.m. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with employees in facilities, housing, public safety, and other departments, all of whom are some of the earliest workers to arrive on campus. Next time I’m hustling to make an early meeting, I’ll think of many hardworking university employees who either work through the night or are at work much earlier.

With this dedication in mind, I want to assure you that we are committed to the well being of University of Oregon faculty, staff, and students as we plan for the university’s financial future. As you may know, the Oregon Legislature passed a budget with cuts of roughly 15 percent to higher education. Later this week, the State Board of Higher Education will meet to discuss how to apportion the funding reductions.

We are working closely with the chancellor and our colleagues to create a budget that first and foremost preserves the quality of the University of Oregon’s academic experience while also avoiding layoffs. I encourage you to watch the video below for a brief discussion about the importance of the university’s core values.

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